Temples in India were (and still are) not merely architectural marvels of breath-taking beauty, but also specialized structures designed for very specific purposes like creating the needed ambience to realize the principle of Oneness running through the variegated creation, awakening and balancing chakras (Centre’s of consciousness) for living a wholesome life, getting protection from physical harm and natural calamities, healing diseases. Gigantic temples were sometimes carved from a single piece of rock as blocks of rocks were pieced together at other times like a giant jigsaw puzzle to build the temples, often defying scientific logic besides establishing the supreme genius of the Indian temple architects.
Obviously, temples are repositories of invaluable energy, the judicious and discerning use of which can resolve almost all human predicaments and help in knowledge/skill acquisition, thus helping in cultural development of the society. The team at Sri Sai Meru Mathi Trust has taken the hallowed and useful service of preserving our culture by doing Madhava Seva (for guiding mankind along the right path and to help in the protection and prosperity of the entire world). Some of our main activities include: