Home / Sai Mayee Trust

We at Sai Mayee Trust spearheaded a mission to prove that all human beings are our brothers & sisters and it’s our moral responsibility to support each other. Therefore, it is decided to reach out to people in all walks of life, help them through unconditional service, and improve their quality of life to spread love and positive vibes with in the community.

For society to pulsate with joy and growth, all classes and ages of people, irrespective of religion, profession, gender or personal preferences, must have a bond of connectivity and interdependence that takes care of both material and emotional needs of everyone. In this light, we help orphanages so that children without parents can experience love and have their needs met and can become useful members of the society when they grow up. At the other end, we also provide succour to old people who do not have anyone to take care of them. This way we are trying to revitalize the community by connecting all its limbs to function together for universal good. Some of the main objectives include

  • Supporting old age homes and orphanages with regular groceries, milk, medicines and cleaning agents etc.

  • Serving breakfast to school going children

  • Conducting medical camps in Government schools

  • Supporting people who are impacted by pandemic like situations with regular nutritious food, groceries, daily needs and medicines etc.

  • Helping the girl child get educated and become Self-dependent

  • Opening paathashaalaas for the rural and needy children and help them connect to mainstream life

  • Setting up goushaalaas

There is only one language, the language of the Heart. There is only one religion, the religion of Love. And best way to express Love is by doing service. Many great saints and avataars have proclaimed that for one’s spiritual growth “One must indulge wholeheartedly in service, with sacred thoughts and without any desire for fruits of the service”.

We are sure your heart must be leaping out in love to our brothers and sisters needing a helping hand, and you must be eager to join hands with us to alleviate their agony to sanctify your life and revel in the joyful feeling of kinship. Also, we need many of you to come and join us in this endeavor. For sure, we together can make a difference.